About the Suggestions category

Do you have a suggestion for a new feature you would like to see in Reoli? Have you noticed something missing that you feel would be useful? Add your thoughts here, or vote on an existing topic by adding your comments.

How it works

If you think something is missing from Reoli that would benefit the wider community, feel free to start a new topic in this category for other users to add their comments too.

We actively monitor suggestions on the forums and providing they are feasible and popular amongst other users, we’ll try our best to add them.

Step 1
Each topic will be considered a suggestion. If we are considering adding it (for example, it should be feasible but needs further investigation or support), we’ll move it to the “Under Consideration” category.

Step 2
When we start work on a feature, we’ll move it to the “In Progress” category so everyone knows we’re working on adding it.

Step 3
Once it’s done and live, we’ll move your thread to the “Added” category.

Make sure you search for, and add your comments to existing threads before starting a new one, and subscribe to notifications too.